Friday, November 27, 2009

moving along... and Thanksgiving!

Well, P'Daa was able to get the visa without any problems! Thank you for your prayers! All that's left right now is to finish my schoolwork and pack. We had an awesome team Thanksgiving yesterday. Somehow we managed to move our over-stuffed bodies enough to play a game of softball after a delicious meal the moms worked so hard to prepare.
Right now,the biggest thing you can pray for is my health; I have had a sore throat and a slight cough the past few days, and that could amount to a miserable plane ride.
We have our Collide youth ministry tonight, the last one I will go to before leaving for Brazil!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


My dad and I went to Bangkok last Friday to get my Brazilian Visa! Applying for the visa went smoothly, thanks to Dad's careful preparation and the information on their website. Unfortunately, we also had to stop by the embassy, where I signed a paper allowing them to inject a Yellow Fever virus into my vein. But with that all done,we were able to spend the rest of the day together in Bangkok. With the exception of the shot and the wholly uncomfortable overnight bus rides there and back, it was an enjoyable and productive trip. P'Daa, A thai friend in the Bangkok church,will be picking the visa up today and she will bring it to me next Monday at the airport.
Please pray that she has no problems picking up the visa or arriving at the airport on time.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Brazil Ticket

Praise the Lord! My ticket to Brazil rests peacefully on my Dad's desk, waiting patiently for the departure on Monday night. God has provided the money needed for my ticket. Thank you all so much for your support and prayers!!! God has continually shown me that the most important thing I need to do is to trust in Him always, even in a process that seemed hard or far-fetched for me. I hope to learn so much during this trip, and to be able to help and encourage the Brazil team to the best of my abilities.
Unfortunately, John Mark is not going to be able to go this time. A friend of mine was encouraging me in that, with his four years left here in Thailand, he will surely be able to have other opportunities for an experience like this.
Please pray that God will give me a clear mind to finish my schoolwork and prepare well for the trip, and that I will be able to spend good time with my family and friends before I leave.