Saturday, December 5, 2009

Angel and açai

Angel, Margaret, Grace, and I went walking and running in the city. Angel is a lot of fun, she is full of energy and always has something to say. When we were tired, and it started to rain harder, we met up with Tiffany to eat açai, a flavorful slushy-icecream made from the berry-fruit, açai. You can eat it with banana chunks, oatmeal, or, like mine, strawberry sauce. Angel told me about the test she is going to take on Sunday for her new job. (she is a PE teacher) They have a system here where you take huge, very difficult tests to get into the college you want, and then another big test if you want to work for the government instead of private schools. (apparently, the government jobs are better here)

I asked Angel to share her testimony with me - she grew up in a spiritist family, who believe that your soul is 'perfected' in a second reincarnated life. The spiritists are very common in Brazil. Angel built a relationship with the Campus Outreach staff in her college when she was a freshmen, and she went to
many CO events and parties while continuing to go to secular, drinking parties. Searching for a meaning in life, she finally went on a retreat which was about what it meant to have God first in your life. It was there, as she was listening to a Brazilian praise song, that she asked Jesus to be her savior, and now she is helping others build their relationships with God by leading a Bible study for several of the high schoolers here.

After the açai snack, we went to Angel's apartment, where I met her mother, sister, and brother in law. Angel and I played guitar, and then we all did karaoke! It was so much fun.

I really do love this country, and I hope that I will have more opportunities to come here.

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